Upon watching the documentary film “11th Hour,” I have learned and realized a lot of things. There are a lot of problems faced by people all over the world in terms of preserving and conserving our nature. However, most of the government officials focus on the economic dilemmas encountered by each country. It was mentioned by one of the speakers in the video, “The environment will survive and we’re the ones who might not…” This is because the environment has its own ways of coping up with the occurrences that are arising, and the changes made by the environment may not be the same as the life we are living now. It was also said in the film that the “earth is an infected organism.” Infected in such a way that different advancements are made without even considering its possible effects to nature, slowly destroying the beauty that we have now.
The future generation may question us “What are you doing?” for we do not see the damages that we have caused, and how much destruction to nature we have given. Quoting again one of the speakers, “We are causing our own suicide.” This is for the reason that global civilization is made by our own minds and has a big impact on earth. Global understanding between our relationships with earth is obviously absent.
Due to global warming caused more heat to star here and radiate in the environment. It destroys our natural resources and our nature environment. One scientist said that more than ninety per cent of the human body is made up of microorganism cells, fungi and other microscopic organisms that also compose the earth. That is why he said “The thing that makes us human is not human.” This is what should people realize. Nevertheless, nowadays a lot of people possess an opportunistic mind. But if we use our brain wisely “human mind is the key to our survival.” It amazes me how enhancements in the world today are made leading us to think of the future. It was said “Human invented the concept of future…” that is why we are aware of what can happen in the future. However, if we already know what can happen in the future, why are we still doing things that can totally kill nature?
No matter how we look at things, we are part of nature for we are nature. We usually think that we are separate from nature, making us superior beings. But in fact, we are not. Nature used to be an abundant and powerful resource. Sunlight can be a rich source of heat supply, light supply and energy. All these things are taken for granted, forgetting the price we will pay once we fully neglect the capabilities of nature. Too many sources are used because the population growth is fast increasing. Humans most of the time makes use of non-renewable energy rich fossil fuels which in return cause various diseases and acid rain. Without even knowing the damage and effects to nature, two hundred years of industrialization took place all over the world.
Climate change which is caused by carbon dioxide dumped in the water and affected the air. Everyday the temperature changes by a few degrees, nevertheless, as what Leonardo De Caprio said “…few degrees may bring us catastrophic change.” Extreme heat is occurring. Extreme flood caused by hurricanes can also take place more often. Global warming is the consequence of our actions. Deforestation produces more carbon dioxide, in return, warming of seas trapped in the ocean floor, and melting of the ice in the arctic speeds up. The natural greenhouse effect has been affected by human activities that produce unnatural greenhouse gases. Speed of natural changes increases because of humans, and as a result, the earth is warmed up.
All of these things contribute to global warming. A scientist said that it is possible that one day earth may have an atmosphere similar to Venus where no living thing can survive. In lieu to that, another said that “Every living thing in the biosphere is in decline… For not one living thing is stabled.” Extinction of animals happens because of natural occurrences. We do not realize that once we lost something in nature, we cannot have it back.
One of the favourite lines that I heard in the film is “We are very responsive entities…Very responsive to wealth and money.” I think this negative notion about people’s way of thinking should be enough for us to start acting and thinking differently. Treating life with respect, love and great humility is a must for us to be able to understand our passion for the life that we have and for the place that we live in. It is not only about creating policies and laws, but it is about finding solutions and providing a remedy to the problem.
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